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Ethan is collating paperwork when Liz comes in.

“Hey Ethan.”

His grin gives credence to Jake’s story. “Uh, Liz. Hi.”

Okay, she thinks, I can do this. “They’re screening Un Chien Andalou at the Art Center tonight, so do you want to go with me?”

“Uh, what? They’re screening what?”

“Un Chien Andalou. It’s this really weird old movie, I’ve read about it but I’ve never had a chance to see it. It’s a collaboration between the famous French film director Louis Bunuel and the artist Salvador Dalí. You know Dalí, the guy who painted all those droopy clocks? Anyway It’s an old movie, from the nineteen thirties, but the best part is that Salvadore Dalí didn’t just work on it he’s actually in it too. Anyway, it’s supposed to be way weird, I mean it’s Dalí, right, of course it will be weird, with interesting cinematography and special effects and anyway I’m going. Um. So you want to come with me?”

Liz is mad at herself for babbling until she realizes that Ethan is smiling big and nodding. She smiles back.

“It starts at seven, but I want real good seats so maybe meet out front at six thirty?” Ethan nods happily.

“See you then.”

And she’s gone. Ethan takes a tentative breath, trying to determine if he’s been dreaming or what.

Pressing his palms over his chest he sits back, smiling even bigger. Nope, he wouldn’t have been able to dream up Un chien and whatever.

Ethan knows Jake’s paw prints are all over this sucker but he doesn’t care.

Liz wants to go out with him.


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