Cover art for the edition of Don Quixote used in the Christie Curriculum

Chapter 3 - faux book cover I remixed from an original CC-by photograph taken by my Identica friend @maloki for classic Don Quixote being read by Christie English Lit frosh students in the novel

Computers and Cables in a jumble

Chapter 8 ~ photographed at KWArtzlab Makerspace To make photographs simulate oil paintings or watercolors, I employed digital imaging techniques like filters and saturation adjustments to make these images stand out, and in some instances, to enhance anonymization.

Close up of sad blue eyes

Chapter 137 - anonymized eyes

Chapter 30 ~ reflections of blacksmith's fancy implements in a bucket at a Robin In the Hood Festival

It seemed worth experimenting in using multiple images to illustrate Chapter 30, using a variety of images similar to the ones Jake has assembled for the slide show he is preparing.

3 overlapping gears smeared with grease

macro shot of red reflector

macro photograph of part of a vice

An arrow poster directing students to the basement for the Computer Club release party

Unused illustration.

kettle on stove top

Chapter 31 ~ my stovetop kettle

Chapter 68 - writers typing at NaNoWriMo write-in

Dark fuzzy table in a bar

Chapter 87 - at a Stag & Doe

Cyclist riding on city street

Chapter 92 - cyclist in Oakville

Chapter 94 - Bicycles in rack at U of T

Chapter 97 - Toronto - anonymized ⇒ removed logo from roof light; blurred licenses

pink flower appears as oil painting

Chapter 101 - cut flower

Chapter 115 - people with beer bottles; no faces showing

birds in flight, blured background

Chapter 138 ~ pigeons in flight at Queen's Park, Toronto