red fireworks

Ethan and Liz come out of the Art Center discussing the film.

Or rather Liz is discussing the film.

Ethan didn’t like it. It was too weird, and he thought the ants coming out of the guy’s hand was decidedly creepy. He wishes that it had been a nice romantic comedy. A Hugh Grantish kind of movie.

Because then there might have been a chance to at least hold Liz’s hand.

But Ethan is enjoying watching Liz crackle and pop with excitement. She’s babbling so animatedly about Salvador Dali and the movie, her eyes are alight as she explains all kinds of stuff that’s way over his head.

She finally starts winding down as they approach the Fyfield House back door. Liz finally asks Ethan if he liked the film.

Ethan shrugs, and tells her “Not really.”

Her face falls. “Oh. Why didn’t you say anything?”

“Because I liked the being with you part,” he says, reaching in his pocket for his key card.

Liz looks away, but she can feel herself blush, and Ethan looks at her a moment, breathless, before reaching over and giving her a soft kiss. He stays nose to nose with her and they gaze into one anther’s eyes a moment. He brushes her lips with his own before Liz slides her arms around his neck and kisses him back.

Eventually they go in.

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