projection presentation

Professor Gates projects a presentation on the large screen, “Obviously it’s easier to adopt a static layout because there is less to take into account.” Gates walks around the lab, glancing at the CSS code the students are working on.

“To fully exploit the capabilities of the user’s browser and screen real estate your content should be readable no matter how the user accesses it.” She scans Krystal’s code.

“That’s much better Krys, you’re on track now.”

Krystal smiles. “It’s scaling the images that gets me.”

Gates nods, says “It gets easier.” Raising her voice to address the rest of the class, “I’ll schedule office hours Friday for any problems you need to discuss. That’s the day, people.”

As Gates heads out, Kate announces “Computer Club tonight at my place,” but most of the class is already streaming out the door.

“I’ll be there!” says Maggie from the doorway, and Oscar calls “Me too,” as he follows her out.

Adam intercepts Kate enroute to the door and says, “Excuse me, Kate, I don’t know where ‘your place’ is.”

“Oh, that’s OK, we live in the Married Student bungalows. ours is number 37. I hope you come check it out?”

“I’m kind of tired from last night, but I may just do that.”

“What happened last night?”

“The Black Eyed Peas concert.”

“Oh, wow, that’s cool. I love ‘The E.N.D.’ Don’t have ‘The Beginning’ yet. Are they as wild in person as I think they are?”

“That Fergie was quite impressive, she’d sing and then do a full body flip while holding her microphone, and then sing another line, then another flip. And he never seemed out of breath.”

“Maybe you can tell me more tonight. We’re just starting up, tonight’s agenda is establish what the club will want to do.”

“It sounds good,” he yawns and says, “I will really try.” Kate’s grin is echoed by a Adam’s own. “See you then.”

Kate is tucking her laptop into its case when Krystal asks her, “What’s up with Adam?”

Kate continues tucking away bits of paraphernalia as she says, “I don’t know, but I’ve never seen him like that before. He’s always so serious.”

“Yeah. I don’t think I’ve even seen him smile before.”

“He went to the BEP concert.”

Krystal laughs. “The world must’ve slipped on its axis.”

Kate’s ready to go when she realizes Krystal hasn’t started packing up, and is still working on her web page. “Aren’t you coming?”

Krystal shakes her head. “I don’t have another class ’til after lunch, but this room’s empty, so I stay and get more done.”

“I hear you. It’s funny, but a lot of the time I’m glad Nick’s course load is so heavy because it leaves me the time I need to get my own stuff done. You coming tonight?”


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