a bus lumbers through the University of Guelph

Liz paces back and forth at the bus stop.

It’s cold out here but it should be warm enough inside the Waterfront Mall.

If the bus doesn’t get here soon she’ll have to wait half an hour or more for her cameras to warm up when she gets there. She glances at her watch. Again. Where is Natasha? Stamping her feet to keep warm she looks back down the path to the Res.

The Auto Show was all Natasha’s idea. Lets go take pictures of these great antique cars, Natasha said. Just us girls, she said. Smell the leather, she said. Get up close and personal with real history, she said.

So where is she?

Liz spots the bus lumbering up the main road.

Natasha will just have to come later on her own, Liz isn’t waiting out here any longer. It’s too cold.

Global warming. Hah.

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