looking up at the tops of leafless trees against an indigo sky

Jose sees Eric disappear ahead of him on the forest path. It is cold. Pulling the zipper of his jacket all the way up to his neck still doesn’t warm him up, so Jose jogs after, hoping the activity will help.

But where did he go? There he is.

“Hey Eric, wait up!” he calls into the night.

But Eric turns off the pavement and heads into the forest. “Jeeze,” mutters Jose, “I don’t need this shit.”

Jose steps up his pace, catching up to where he thinks Eric might have gone off the path, but there is no obvious indication, and Jose is no tracker, a city boy to his toes.

“ERIC,” he bellows. “Where the hell are you, you asshole?” Jose strains to hear, briskly rubbing his arms, then stamping his feet, trying to stay warm. Fat chance. It is goddamn cold out here. He peers into the adjoining forest. Can’t see nothin’ for the goddamn trees.

“Damn it Eric it’s cold out here.”

“Just leave me the fuck alone!”

Jose moves through the underbrush in the direction of the voice. “You got no call to sit out here and freeze to death over some no account bitch. You don’t have to hang with me man, just come back to the Res. I’ll even give you my forty pounder of Jack Daniels. You can drink all by your lonesome if you want.”

“It’s only half a bottle of J.D. and you know it you prick.”

Jose steps into a small clearing. He’s sure this is where the voice was coming from. But there is no sign. Where is Eric?

“Come on out, you goof. Where the hell are you?”

“None of your fucking business, man. Just go away.”

The voice is right there, but Jose can’t see anything. He peers into the shadows. Then he looks up. Sure enough, Eric’s legs dangle from a branch in an oak tree.

“She’s not worth it man. Get your head outta your ass. You’re gonna get thrown outta Christie you miss more classes.”

“Go ‘way.”

“Hey man it’s cold. It’s winter. C’mon down.”

“You think this is winter you’re in for a surprise.”

“You’ll be surprised when I pound you into dog food.”

“I like it up here just fine. You go on without me.”

“You stay there you’re gonna get hypothermia. She’s still back at the bar. Look, you want her to know she’s fucked you up?”

“No way, Jose.”

“Then get your ass down here.”

“Okay, okay. I’m coming.” Jose watches in horror as Eric just lets go and starts to topple off the branch.

“Wait, grab on!” yells Jose, startled, Eric grabs hold, and swings from the branch, feet dangling a few feet above the ground.

“Don’t just fall out you shit, you break something I can’t carry you back, just hang on, hang on.” Eric dangles patiently while Jose positions himself just out of range, ready to do his best to assist the landing. “Okay, come on down.”

Eric lets go and drops gracefully to the ground, allowing his legs to absorb the impact.

Jose plants his hands on his hips. “You’ve done that before.”

“No shit Sherlock. I’m a tree climbin’ boy from way back. I like trees.”

“I’m turning blue here man, and you’re being an asshole.”

“You play your cards right maybe I’ll let you have some J.D. Maybe help you get warmed up.”

Jose shakes his head in disgust and starts through the trees.

Eric follows, biting his tongue, deciding he’d better not rag Jose about being a “city boy” again.

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