computer innards

Jake has only two cameras strung around his neck and a slim notepad under his arm when he comes along the hall and drops into step beside Krystal, coming out of a nearly empty classroom juggling her laptop and book bag, along with a few loose manuals.

“Hey Krystal, you look like you could use a hand.”

She looks at him and smiles, “Oh hi, Jake. I’ve just got to learn to be a little better organized.”

“I’ll help,” Jake holds out his hand, “Where’re you off to?”

Passing him the loose manuals, Krystal says, “I’ve got a spare so I was heading to the cafeteria.”

“But it’s not open.”

“They aren’t serving food, but it’s open. It’ll be a great place to work on my laptop. I get a lot done when nobody’s there. There’s a ton of light from all the windows, lots more than the library, and if you can believe it, it’s even quieter.”

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