close on jelly beans

Oscar asks, “Are you going to announce it in class?” as he dumps jelly beans into a bowl.

“No way,” says Kate, mixing a jug of Kool-Aid. “Those bone heads were too good for our ‘little computer club meetings’? Screw them. Nine to fivers, go punch a clock. We’ll start our own Research in Motion.”

Oscar laughs. “Absolutely. Love the passion, lass. Sure you’ll not dump Nick and run away with me?”

“Not a chance buck-o. You just want extra shares.”

“Something like that. What’s the school’s cut?”

“Why should Christie get anything if we do it our own time? I don’t want to cut them in at all if anything comes of this, so I think it’s best that we do everything on our own computers, and not use school equipment for anything, not even Googling research, OK?”

“What are we thinking about here. Hardware? Software? Data base program?”

Kate frowns. “It’s gotta be something doable on student resources. Maybe a program or a game? The simpler the coding the better. Later on we can come up with more elaborate ideas. Establish a track record we’ll be able to write our own ticket.”

“You’re right, a track record would make investment financing possible. Sounds great, Kate, count me in.”
Kate looks over at Oscar, deciding to confide. “There’s something else I wanted to ask you, Oz. Nick said I shouldn’t talk to Jose about Krystal, but what do you think?”

“Oh, well, I didn’t know you knew she was sick. Did Krys tell you, or did Nick suss it out?”

Kate stares at Oscar. uncomprehending, “Sick?”

Oscar closes his eyes. “Christ. You didn’t know.”

“Know what, Oz? Krystal is sick?”

Oscar looks at her sadly and nods. “Krys is very sick, Kate.”

“How sick?”

“An inoperable tumor.”

“Holy shit.” Kate slides into her chair. “Is there anything…” Looking at Oscar she sees that there isn’t. “That will make tonight awkward.”

“Oh Christ, I’m sorry. Just when you mentioned talking to Jose about Krystal I just assumed it was to tell him. I know that’s crossed my mind more than once, but she says she doesn’t want his pity. And I’ve got to respect that.”

“Absolutely. Gee, no, I just thought I’d suggest he ask her out or something. I had no idea. That sure explains a lot about why Maggie’s been so emotional.”

“Maggie wormed it out of Krystal, and I wormed it out of her.” Oscar helps Kate move the sofa. “So although sworn to secrecy here I am spilling my guts. God I need a fag.”

Kate glances sharply at him and then she realizes he’s talking about a cigarette. Kate stops rearranging furniture and pelts him with a pillow. “No Oz! You’re doing so well.”

“I don’t feel like I’m doing well.”

“You just need distraction. Talk to me Oz.”

“A quickie would make a lovely distraction, we could just pop round to the bedroom, no one will be along for a bit.”

Kate lobs a pillow at him and starts moving the chairs along the wall. “Of course if that’s what you really want, Nick might not be asleep yet. And he might appreciate a cuddle.”

“Oooh, the cat’s got claws!” and Oscar laughs and tosses both pillows back at her. Kate deftly grabs both out of the air and replaces them on the sofa.

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