back of a blonde woman's head, hair twisted together.

Krystal vigorously dries her hair. Shaking it free in front of the mirror, she admires the new gold highlights before switching on the CD.

As music blares she starts her exercise routine. Admiring her body as she works her way through the well worn moves she wonders again why Jose hasn’t asked her out.

Surely Oscar will have told Jose her sad story by now. That guy can’t keep his mouth shut to save his life.

Well. It’s bound to happen, if not Oscar, its only a matter of time before Maggie or Jake spills it. All Krystal needs is one date with Jose. Sure as shit pity will get him into her bed, and once there her newly sculpted bod ought to pin him to the sheets for as long as she wants him. Oh yes.

Who says you can’t always get what you want?

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