looking out the old fashioned multi pane window at the bright autumn leaves scattered in the courtyard

Boris slides the phone back in his pocket. “That’s weird, he’s not answering. Wonder what Eric wanted.”

“It’s probably just a phantom call.” says Natasha.

“A what?”

“You know, one of those calls your cell makes on its own. It happens when you stuff your phone in your bag or pocket and all it takes is a little bitty bump and then it starts auto-dialing.”

Boris nods, noting with satisfaction Natasha’s face is almost back to normal size and hue. She’s sitting cross legged on her bed, hunched over a fistful of UNO cards, while Boris balances on a purple exercise ball at the foot, and Ethan and Liz flank on either side. Boris wishes Sarah could be here too, but she had a shift at the hospital. He wants Natasha and Sarah to be friends.

Liz tosses down a plus four card and Boris groans dramatically before waving his extra thick handful of cards at her. “Gee Liz, how many of those can one person have. I can barely hold the damned cards I have already.” He picks up the four cards and tosses down a green change direction card.

Liz laughs and throws down a blue change direction card. Boris wails “Argghhh” and counters with a yellow change direction card.

“No, no, not yellow!” squeals Liz.

“Mwah hahaha” chortles Boris. “Oh yeah… yelloooow rocks!”

Natasha asks Ethan, “Think we’ll ever get a chance to play again?”

“Eventually, when those two get tired of out-evilling each other.” Ethan frowns and gets up and goes to the window, leaning on the sill.

“What is it?” asks Natasha, suddenly pale.


The others crowd around, cards forgotten on the bed. Ethan steps back to cede Natasha the best view of the police cars coming up the road.

“What’s happening?” asks Natasha. Boris reaches over and squeezes her hand.

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