Fingers tyoing on a laptop computer

Ethan sits at the terminal in the cramped TA room organizing the first submissions that have come in by email. He can’t believe the volume of response.

Jake only stuck up a few posters yesterday, they haven’t even put a notice on the photo blog. At this rate maybe better not to. Suddenly hands are pressed over his eyes, momentarily disconcerting him until he breathes in the heady scent of soap and girl that tells him it’s Liz.

“Guess who!”

He swivels the chair around to face her, grabbing hold of her hands he kisses each palm in turn. Liz shivers in delight, then bends down and takes his breath away with a kiss. Coming up for air, she reaches back without looking and pushes the door closed, then smiles and straddles his lap to make smooching easier. Eventually both have to stop to catch their breath.

“Wow,” he says, noticing even through his euphoria that they are eye to eye even though she’s perching in his lap.

What legs.

Liz smiles and says, “Natasha and I are heading over to the Antique Car Show down at the Waterfront this afternoon. So I thought you might like to get lunch.”

“Yeah, that was good.”

She giggles. “I meant food. You know, like at the caf. Or the coffee shop.”

“Uh. If you want me to go out in public, it’s gonna be a little while before I can walk.”

Liz flushes. “Oh I’m sorry.”

Ethan laughs and tells her, “Oh, don’t be sorry.” and pulls her in for an encore.

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