Listings for “Inconstant Moon”

The letter "E" on a blue field

The !encyclomundi wiki has listed “Inconstant Moon” on its book page … Thanks Charles! (aka @cer / @encyclomundi)

… as well, “Inconstant Moon” is on Goodreads … Thanks Jenny! (aka @JFHilborne)

I’ve since set up an author account on Goodreads as well. Amelia isn’t the only Lawrence Block fan at my house… it was cool discovering his delightfully surly Facebook Page and his website tells me that he’s on Goodreads too. I’ve put in a “friend” request. Whether or not he accepts, well, quelle cool 🙂


Inconstant Moon’s First Review

Writer Eric Swett just posted the first review of my first novel.


“The author does some interesting things with style, embracing the text and instant message as a form of conversation in such a way that it seems natural.”

— Eric Swett, My Writer’s Cramp: Book Review – Inconstant Moon

It’s lovely to discover that your divergence from the beaten path works.

Eric makes some interesting points in his review, certainly food for thought.
(Life is, after all, a learning experience.)

Although I didn’t set out to write an ensemble novel, that’s what the story seemed to call for. And I’ve seriously never once considered writing a sequel, but I guess I should never say never, but certainly not for a while.

And I suspect in future I’ll try to restrain myself from commenting on reviews, just simply post links and quotes. But what the heck. This is the first.

I guess this would also be the right place to post a graphic representation of one of my favorite microblog posts made by my friend Jim Moore, at his most whimsical:

@jimmoore says to @arkblitz My sources tell me that !inconstantmoon is actually a giant machine made out of swizzle sticks and bird beaks designed to slow down the rotation of the earth creating a weird climatological shift which will allow a band of Manitoban mercenaries to take over the world and name @laurelrusswurm as the Butterfly Queen. World domination doesn't need a license.

Tres cool. 😀