Natasha pats the sofa beside her

Boris and Natasha are singing along with “The Spam Song” on the common room sofa, watching one of Natasha’s Monty Python DVDs, when Eric and Amelia come in.

Eric starts to laugh. “What on earth is that?”

Natasha clutches her heart in mock horror, “Don’t tell me you haven’t heard the spam song?”

Eric looks around “Spam? I can’t believe someone made up a song about spam!”

“Yeah, it tastes pretty rude.”

Eric looks surprised. “Tastes?”

“Spam the food.”

“There’s food called spam? Get outta town.”

Boris asks, “Am I detecting a woeful lack of cultural grounding? How about Monty Python, Eric, you heard of them?”

“Ummm.” Eric tilts his head to the side and frowns, “Wasn’t that a comedy team from the sixties or something?”

“How can you be an English major if you’ve never seen Monty Python?” cries Amelia.

Natasha shakes her head. “Scootch over Boris, make room.”

Natasha pats the sofa beside her as Boris dutifully “scootches” and makes room on the end of the sofa. Picking up the remote Boris asks, “Should we go back to episode one for the noob, or just start this one over?”

Natasha tucks up beside Boris. “I think starting this one over will be okay. I mean, after all, he might, ” she peers over the tops of her glasses studying Eric, “not like Python.”

“Don’t speak heresy girl. Everybody likes Python.” Unsure what he’s letting himself in for, Eric allows Amelia to steer him to the sofa and he ends up sandwiched between her and Natasha.

“No wait, I lie,” continues Boris. “My brother hates Python.” He grins, “But of course he’s a dickhead.”

Boris leans forward with the remote but stops short of pressing the button when he turns to Eric, “Monty Python and the Holy Grail. You HAVE to have heard of that one, man.”

“Well, yeah, I’ve heard of it, but I never saw it. I’m not big on religious movies. I’m, well, I’m an agnostic.” Three blank faces stare back at him for a shocked moment but then they all start laughing.

Amelia reaches for the remote, but Boris isn’t giving it up so easily. But he does take the hint and starts the disk.

They watch the whole thing, and they are all– Eric included– laughing their faces off at the “Argument Sketch” when Elsie slips in with a new man.

She sees the group on the sofa, and decides she doesn’t want to get into anything with Eric just now, so she quickly leads her new friend up the stairs.

Eric is laughing so hard he’s brushing the tears out of his eyes, but Amelia’s peripheral vision tracks the movement. Angling her head she gets a glimpse of Elsie taking some guy upstairs.

Some completely different total stranger guy. Amelia decides to keep her trap shut just now. Eric’s finally almost acting like a normal person, he sure doesn’t need to see that.

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