Posts by Laurel L. Russwurm


reflection on a ceiling mounted dome

The double lecture hall in the Arts Centre is quiet but for the tapping of hundreds of laptop keys. Behind the lectern the English prof is skimming her notes to make sure that everything’s covered. She glances up at her audience. Smiling at the sight of all those students typing furiously, she she shuts down the PowerPoint presentation.

“That’s it for today. If anyone needs to see me about the assignment I’m back on regular office hours this week.” As the professor packs up her materials, a general exodus is underway in the cheap seats, as notebooks are shut down, and personal effects are gathered up.

Mouse looks over at Eric, bent over his cellphone. “You take very good notes. Maybe I could borrow the ones from the days I missed last week when I was sick?”

She watches Eric peering at the tiny screen then thumbing in a quick message before nodding to her.

“Sure thing Mouse. Monday and Tuesday?” She nods. “Email later, okay?”

“Excellent, yes, Eric, thank you. That will be a big help.”

A text flashes on his phone screen and suddenly Eric is in a hurry, nodding as he pockets the phone and snaps his laptop closed and stuffs it into the case. “Later” he grins and is gone in a blur.

Mouse turns to Amelia, who seems to be having a job repacking her computer case. Isn’t it funny how everything that came out doesn’t want to fit back in.

Mouse asks, “Would you care to join us for a walk in the woods?” but Amelia shakes her head no.

“Sorry, Mouse, I’ve got to work.”

“OK,” Mouse smiles. “Maybe next time,” and Mouse follows Jose up the steps. Amelia watches them go. Or rather, watches Jose go. Watches his nice tight buns ascending the stairs. Too bad. A walk in the woods would have been nice. Especially with Jose.

Amelia sighs, hoists the case over her shoulder.

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The main cafeteria

Maggie heads toward the corner cafeteria table where Oscar’s laptop is open at the Oscar Wilde Quotations Page.

Oscar pronounces, ” ‘Education is a wonderful thing, provided you always remember that nothing worth knowing can ever be taught.’ ”

Jake laughs, then chokes on the pop he’s drinking. Kate pounds him on the back until he can breathe normally again. Jake grins, then asks, “Got any more, Oz?”

Oscar laughs. “That’s the spirit. You’ll be pleased to know there are scads of them. Wilde was the undisputed king of wit.”

“So tell me another,” prompts Jake.

“‘The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself.’ ” says Oscar,

“Mmmm,” says Kate, “I like that one. It’s wonderfully wicked. Gives you permission to do pretty much anything.”

Oscar does a Groucho Marx eyebrow waggle as he says, “How about this one: ‘The book of life begins with a man and a woman in a garden; it ends with Revelations.'”

Maggie laughs. “I don’t think Liz would like that one.”

“Or this, one of my very favorites: ‘Women are meant to be loved, not understood.’ ”

“Boo! Hiss!” Kate tosses a French fry at Oscar, who deftly catches it in his mouth.

Maggie slides in beside Oscar, who laughs, and says, ” ‘Nothing succeeds like excess.’ ”

Kate looks over at Maggie. “Krystal still hasn’t showed. I thought she was really up for the club.”

Maggie shrugs “She is. I don’t know what happened but I’m sure she’ll be here as soon as she can. How’s everything else?”

Jake says, “Liz is coming to take photos for the paper, and Amelia will write the article.”

“How we doing for food?”

“We’ve laid in a few cases of pop and chips, cheezies and pretzels. I thought instead of charging for it, we just leave a glass jar for people to drop donations in.” Says Kate “And maybe order pizza if that isn’t enough.”

“No beer?” asks Oscar.

“No license. The computer centre doesn’t have a liquor license. If we’d set it up earlier we’d have had time to apply for one, but we didn’t. So, no license, no beer.”

“Too bad, it would have been a good fund raiser.”

“I doubt Gates would let us use the room if we had beer.”

“Good point. Cootes would’ve gone for it, though.”

“Of course Cootes would go for it. He left most of his brain cells in the sixties. I swear the old geezer still thinks he’s a student. We’d all be so much better off if he retired.”

Oscar looks over at Maggie. She still looks a bit rough. “You sure you’re up to this Mag? Still time for a nap.”

She sticks out her tongue again but this time Oscar leers. “Don’t tempt me girl.”

Suddenly uncomfortable, Maggie gathers her things to cover her embarrassment. “I’m fine, lets just start. I’ll sleep later.”

They gather their things and head out, waving at Eric seated by the glass wall overlooking the oval.

Eric smiles and waves back at Maggie, then turns back to his laptop. A quick re-read of the draft email doesn’t pass muster, so he deletes it. He doesn’t want to sound whiny is all.

Beginning again, he types:

Where are you? You said to meet you here. I thought we were going to get something to eat before the computer party. I could have eaten without you but now it’s too late, they’ve shut down so only the vending machines are open. Joy. Rapture even.

He looks up and scans the room again, but it’s emptying fast. With everything closed down nobody is coming in.

If you weren’t coming why did say you were? I could be working on the essay due tomorrow, or researching my thesis, but no, here I am. Waiting for you.

He sighs. Elsie never wants to go out. Not that he minds staying in with her. The sex is incredible.


He doesn’t know what her favorite color is or even if she likes jazz. Just sometimes he’d like to be able to talk with her, find out what makes her tick. He smiles to himself. Well, besides that.

O.K. look, how ’bout this. I’m heading over to Callaghan’s. If you want me to bring you something let me know. I have my cell. Call. Tweet. Something.
xo eric

This time Eric doesn’t read it, he just hits ‘send’ then shuts down the laptop.

Pulling on his jacket, he zips up, feeling in his pocket for his car keys. Not there. Must be back at the Res. He stuffs the laptop unceremoniously into the bag, shouldering it and heads back to Fyfield House. It’s a long way to Callaghan’s without wheels.

At the building Eric waves at the night porter and heads for the stairs. He’s been sitting too long and energy is bursting out of his pores so he takes the stairs two at a time, running all the way up to the fifth.

A swipe of his card and he’s in.

Heading for his room, he thinks how quiet it is. Not a soul in the common room. Everybody out and about doing something or other. As he should be … would be … will be when he finds his keys. He’s left the room open as usual, and drops the computer case on the desk, then roots through the knee hole drawer but they aren’t there either. He frowns, where? Checks the floor by the desk, bedside, closet. Nothing.

Nobody would bother to steal his keys. His car is a beater.

Eric thinks. Last night after the pub with Elsie. He could hardly believe she came out with him. Damn the girl can dance. He smiles. Dancing was so great. Gotta do that again. He probably left the keys in her room. God knows he couldn’t see straight when he came back down after. Maybe she’ll be there and they can go to Callaghan’s and get a bite together. So he heads back through the common room and up the stairs to the girl’s floor.

Strictly speaking, it’s off limits. But as Romeo says, “with love’s light wings did I o’erperch these walls, for stony limits cannot hold love out.” Eric smiles to himself as he heads down the corridor toward Elsie’s room. Who is he to argue with Shakespeare?

There’s a crack of light under the door. Good.

Elsie must have come back, great. Maybe she’s changing for him. He smiles, taps softly once and pushes open the door to the room he knows as well as his own.

Except it looks a bit different just now. The point of view is just wrong.


There’s Elsie’s unmistakable cascade of auburn hair fanned out over the pillow in soft erotic waves of spun silk in contrast with her pale skin, adorned with a delicate tracery of faintest blue veins. Her face is flushed, her eyes closed as she undulates on the bed.

Her long legs are bent and spread and her red polished toes knead the bedding. That’s his Elsie all right. The thing that’s not right is the sweaty guy kneeling at the side of the bed, head buried between her legs.

They’re going at it so hot and heavy they haven’t even heard him. Elsie did a good job training him to move quietly so he can slip in and out without disturbing the dorm mates. Right. Softly, on little cat feet.

Eric watches a moment, stunned, not really taking it in.

At first.

Not until the guy’s hands begin to slide up her torso.

Shaken by the enormity of the betrayal, Eric chokes back a sob and withdraws, softly pulling the door closed. He leans against the wall and squeezes his eyes closed. Trying to breathe.


That’s a picture that’ll be hard to get out of his head.

Like ever.

Eric shudders and starts shuffling down the hall in a daze. It’s hard work, pushing his way through the heavy air. As though walking under water.

He stops at the fire door to the stairwell and it hits him that Elsie was…

As the anger wells up he knows he can’t even think about going back. Pushing open the door he thunders down five flights of stairs and bursts out into the chill of the evening. Outdoors. Fresh air. Clean air. Not like the shit in his head.

He breathes in great gulps, suddenly feeling nauseous. Blowing air out his nose he decides to jog to Callaghan’s. Only a couple kilometers. What the hell else is there to do?

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Computer Club Release Party

Jake uses bluetac to stick up arrows reading “Ubuntu Party” to direct people down to the basement computer lab. They’re hoping for a decent turnout of non-nerds; it’s reassuring that there are already a handful of early arrivals.

Technically speaking he himself is not a computer nerd. He takes photography. Right. Like that saves him from nerd-dom?


Jake knows he’s a nerd to his toes and always will be. And maybe the jocks got the glory and the girls in high school, but more and more it’s the nerds who are running the world.

One of the things Jake likes best about being a university man is the discovery that there are girl nerds.

He doesn’t know why he never knew any girl nerds in high school, maybe they had better protective coloration then. Or maybe because he was too busy lusting after cheer leaders to notice them.

Well, he’s sure noticing them now. He hears the rattle of the exterior doors and the security guard talking, then a handful of students start down, following Jake’s arrows.

A cute girl waves at him. Wow. This is so great. People are coming out for this and he is one of the organizers.

Heck, in high school you didn’t dare even think words like Ubuntu, let alone suggest people might wanna dump Windows for FLOSS.

All done, last arrow stuck, time to head to the lab. Maybe he’ll be able to help the cute girl with her installation.

Another clump of customers follows him down. As Jake enters the room he sees Maggie settling people around the tables so they can plug in at the central power outlets. From the slide show running behind Oscar’s presentation at the back of the room, Jake can tell Oz is giving a fairly standard talk about free/libre open source software.

Adam is set up in the corner, answering questions, showing people how to set up hard drive partitions so they can try Ubuntu.

A touch on his shoulder makes Jake’s heart race, and when he turns he’s not disappointed because it’s Krystal giving him a big smile. “Hey there, Jake, sorry I missed the meeting.”

“That’s okay. The important thing is you’re here now. We don’t even officially start for ten minutes yet and look at the turnout. Excellent.” Jake produces an ‘organizer’ badge out of his bag and passes it to Krystal. His is clipped to his belt.

Krystal lights up. “Wow, these are great,” snapping her badge to her lapel. “Guess I’ll wander and see who needs help.”

“Good idea,” Jake agrees as he glances at his watch. “Liz isn’t here yet, so I’ll take some pictures to cover until she is.”

“Gotcha,” says Krystal as she heads into the room. Maggie smiles and waves at her before going to help a couple who look lost. Jake sets up his tripod as Oscar greets a group of students he recognizes from Fyfield House. Oscar grins and bows, doffing an imaginary hat to Mouse and Barbie, who naturally giggle while Ethan, Quentin and Jose roll their eyes as if on cue.

“Great to see you. Thanks for coming out to the Christie Computer Club Ubuntu Release Party. There are power bars in the center of each workstation, so find a place to settle and we’ll get you loaded up in no time.”

Quentin raises a hand tentatively and Oscar smiles at him. “How can I help?”
“My wife couldn’t make it out tonight, and I wonder if I’ll be able to hook her up with this stuff when she has the time?”

Oscar laughs. “Of course, Ubuntu is available free all year round. There’s a variety of different kinds of GNU/Linux distros. You might be happier with Fedora or Mint. But you’ll be able to download any flavour you like off the Internet whenever.”

Barbie says, “I thought fedora was a hat.”

Oscar answers that “Fedora is made by a company called Red hat,” and Barbie laughs.

“Okay,” Ethan asks, “Just, what if I don’t like it?”

“Ah” Oscar raises his eyebrows, “A virgin.”

“Woo hoo” Mouse and Barbie hoot, and the normally self assured Ethan looks about ready to melt through the floor.

“We’ll help you download and install if you’re ready, but since you’re not sure, you’d be better off running it from one of Maggie’s “live” disks so you can try it out without having to install.”

“That’s cool.” Ethan nods and people start helping themselves to the freshly burned Ubuntu DVDs stacked on the table. Jose drifts over and sets up in an empty spot and Barbie squeezes into the corner beside Adam, flashing him a big smile as she sets up.

Maggie sets out bowls of munchies on the side counter while Kate builds a soft drink pyramid at the end.

Krystal crosses over to Jose, and looks over his shoulder, asking, “How are you doing there?”

“I want to try this Ubuntu stuff, and I’m up for the partition thing. But I could use some help, you know?”

“That’s what I’m here for.” Krystal sits beside him, covering the hand holding his mouse with her own.

Jose asks, “It’s not going to mess up my Facebook, is it?”

“Not at all.” Krystal types in the password and connects the Wi-Fi. “Let’s get started.”

More students drift in and set up along the benches.

Adam is looking at Barbie’s laptop screen with dismay. Her desktop is a mess of icons. “So what do you think?” Barbie asks.

“Ah, maybe the best thing would be to run off of a live disk for now, and see how that works for you. But you really should be better organized. How can you find anything? It looks as though all your documents are on the desktop.”

Barbie looks up at him, tilting her head and frowning prettily. “Well yeah. What’s wrong with that? I mean, that way I can find everything.”

Adam frowns, “May I show you?” She nods and he slides over beside her. Reaching for her keyboard he creates a folder.

Adam says, “We will call this one assignments. Inside it we can make another for biology. We can make a folder for each of your courses so you can keep the work separate.”

“You mean the way I keep my notes in binders?”


Barbie’s frown is replaced with a smile just for Adam. “Huh. I never really got the whole computer folder thing, but binders makes sense. It might be a good idea. Thanks Alan.”

Liz and Amelia stand in the doorway, amazed at the turnout. The room is awash with students. Amelia carries a mic attached to a digital recorder clipped on her belt. Liz starts taking photographs before even stepping through the door.

“Wow,” says Amelia, “looks like close to a hundred people in there. Let me see if anybody’s done a head count. This is a good turnout for any club.”

“I can’t even see Maggie.”

“There’s Oz. I’ll go talk to him first.”

“Okay,” Liz is just lifting her camera again when a touch on her shoulder startles her. She jumps with a little shriek, then glowers at Jake.

“Sorry. I just wanted to tell you I’ve that I’ve already taken some pictures. Won’t do it again,” raising two fingers, “scouts honour”.

“You were a boy scout?” she asks, curious.

“Nawww,” he grins, “You know they don’t let in nerds.” Liz laughs as he starts stowing his camera. “This is way more people than Maggie expected. And more are coming in all the time. Gotta go do my computer club job now.”

Liz nods and edges around the room, photographing students helping students. Some faces are pensive, some squint in concentration, some are vacant with boredom. Others glance shyly at people they like, sparkle as they tell jokes, flutter in outrageous flirtation, discuss theories or argue with animation. Close shots of hands on mice, fingers tapping on keyboards.

Liz’s camera captures them all, making sure to capture quick shots of faces for a photo essay she’s been playing around with. Funny, she seems to be taking more photos of Ethan than just about anybody. Stop it girl. Do you really want to go there?

Ethan catches her eye and winks again. She can feel the flush starting at the roots of her hair. Down, girl. She turns away but she feels him watching. She tries to ignore him and concentrate on taking pictures. For the first time in her life, that isn’t easy.

The crowd ebbs and flows throughout the evening, and Maggie is pleased with the level of interest. As it gets late, although she is well into her second wind people start drifting away.

Around about midnight the last of the release party guests straggle through the front doors of the Computer Center and fan out in various directions. Barbie emerges into the cool night air flanked by Jose and Adam. Jose’s glance lingers on Barbie, but it’s late, and he’s tired. He’s not worried about Adam as competition. The guy is like Dilbert come to life.

“That’s it for me.” Jose says. “Later.” and Barbie waves as he sets off along the path that will take him to the Fyfield House residence.

“I’m parked in “C”, Barbie tells Adam, “How about you? Do you live on campus or off?”

“Oh, I live at home.” confesses Adam, wishing for the first time that he didn’t.
But Barbie giggles, “Me too. I thought I was the only one.”

They walk companionably toward the parking lot, Adam lugging a laptop on each shoulder. They get to her car first, a shiny new looking compact car.

She pushes the button to unlock it, and opens the door, turning to Adam and giving him a peck on the cheek.

“Thanks for all the help Alan, I really appreciate it.”

Adam flushes and looks away, bashful under her intense blue eyed gaze. “It’s no problem Barbie, I’ll have it finished and back to you Monday, good as new. Better.”

“That’d be great. I’ve got a family thing this weekend so I won’t hardly even miss it. Just call me when it’s ready and we’ll get together. You’re an angel,” and she ducks into the driver’s seat. Barbie flashes Adam a smile, then the lights, and away she goes.

Dazzled, Adam watches her drive away, head spinning as he makes his way to the back to his own car. Funny, he never cared what a hunk of junk it was before. He smiles to himself; he doesn’t even mind she got his name wrong. Barbie kissed him! He’s in such a good mood he pats his beater fondly on the roof. His car is so old there isn’t a remote — you actually have to put a key in the lock. He opens the door and tucks Barbie’s computer carefully behind the seat. Then he slides his computer in beside hers.

He can’t help but grin as he slams the door. Barbie wants his help. She even gave him her phone number. And her computer. Adam is simply amazed that a girl like that would even talk to him. He’s in a daze as he buckles the seat belt, then turns the key in the ignition. Before disengaging the emergency brake he touches his cheek in awe. “She kissed me,” he marvels. “Me.”

As Adam drives out of the lot his lights illuminate Krystal and Jake emerging from the Computer Center. He taps the horn and they wave as he goes past.

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Cell phone lays open on the bed

Maggie is curled up in bed, speaking softly into the cellphone.

“Oh I’m sorry babe … I can imagine … it’s good you saved the kittens … just a minute, Stu.”

Dropping the phone on the bed, Maggie brushes her eyes with a tissue, then blows her nose before picking up the phone again.

“No, I haven’t said anything to Kate or Oz. Krystal asked me not to say anything. And I understand why, really, but that doesn’t make it any easier. I mean, Oz was ticked because she never got the release party plugged in the school paper, but since I’m sworn to secrecy I can’t even stick up for her without saying anything.”

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a keychain fallen on the floor

Elsie sits at her computer, organizing her notes. Glancing at her watch, she rolls away from her desk, wondering where Eric is. He gives a mean massage and she could use one, but has to settle for neck stretches and rotations.

Surprising, really, he hasn’t called or anything. Just as well, she has to get this done, and he’s been becoming a bit of a pest lately. Pah. Men are supposed to be the ones who want sex without ties.

Except Eric. He wants commitment.

But she simply can’t afford it. Sex is all she has time for. Some fun to ease the stress. Med school is the only priority. She simply does not have time to spend in relationships and emotional negotiations. Which is not to say she doesn’t want a nice uncomplicated roll in the hay every so often. Maybe a little more. Twice daily is good. She smiles at the memory of Chuck this afternoon. Very talented, that one.

Distracting, even, so she checks email to see if Eric … shit. She was supposed to meet him for dinner but, well, Chuck was a temptation she couldn’t pass up.

Dinner date interruptis, so now there’s petulant email from Eric. So much for a massage.

She’d thought a dalliance with Eric would be just the thing, but maybe it’s been a mistake. He has such wonderful skin though. Smiling a Mona Lisa smile she thinks about him, then shakes her head to realigns her focus.

Work. This has to be done for tomorrow. Maybe she should think of cutting him loose. Not yet though. She’s not done enjoying him just yet. There’s something about the boy, addictive almost. Stop thinking about him. Get the work done.

He probably just wants to punish her for standing him up.

But he won’t be able to stay away. Rolling back to the desk she stubs her her toe on something hard and irregular. Twisting around and under Elsie sees what it is.

Eric’s keys. Hmmm.

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